AZ DMV Permit Practice Test

The following AZ DMV Permit Practice test has 30 questions in total. All the questions are set to prepare you for the real AZ DMV Test. This practice test is about Arizona Road Rules.

All the questions are set to help you learn about Arizona permit test and efficiently prepare for the real Arizona DMV/Permit Exam because in order to get the license, passing this exam is mandatory.

To pass this test, you must answer 24 questions correctly. Keep practicing until and unless you are confident enough to write the actual Arizona DMV/Permit Test and 100% correct with your answer to our practice tests. Good Luck!!!

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#1. When driving down a steep hill, you should use____.

*Use the lower gear before you reach a long downhill slope. It will help control your speed. It will also save your brakes. Using your brakes down a long downgrade can overheat them.

#2. When entering a freeway, you should_____.

*Enter the freeway at or near the speed of traffic. You must yield the right-of-way to vehicles already on the freeway. Do not stop before merging with freeway traffic unless absolutely necessary.

#3. When an animal is seen in the road or on the road shoulder, you should slow down and, if necessary, yield the right-of-way.

#4. When entering a roadway from a private road, you should_____.

#5. What may happen if you are driving faster than other vehicles on a road and continually passing the other vehicles?

#6. If you are driving in a dust storm to help with the reduced visibility, you should turn on____.

#7. When exiting a highway, you should reduce speed_____.

#8. When exiting an expressway, you should_____.

#9. You must notify the DMV within ____ days if you have sold your vehicle.

#10. When passing on a multi-lane highway,_____.

#11. If your brake pedal suddenly sinks to the floor, you should first_____.

*If your brake pedal suddenly sinks to the floor, do the folloing things:

a. First try pumping it to build up pressure.

b. If that does not help, use your emergency or parking brake – but use it gently.

c. Shifting to a lower gear will also help your vehicle slow down.

#12. Minimum speed signs are used for______.

#13. If you are involved in a traffic crash and someone is injured, you should_____.

#14. When the road is slippery, you should______.

#15. When entering a highway from an entrance ramp, you should generally______.

#16. What should you do to help avoid crashes?

#17. You must never park within ________ feet of a fire hydrant.

#18. If you have to use cellular phones while driving, you should_____.

#19. If you are stopped by a police officer, you should______.

#20. You should follow instructions from a signal person at a road construction site______.

#21. What should you do if you miss a freeway exit?

#22. “Acceleration lanes” on expressways are used for_____.

#23. You can always cross a single broken white or yellow line except_______.

#24. If you are being tailgated, you should_____.

*There are some actions you should take when you are being tailgated:

1. Tap your brake gently a few times to warn the tailgater that you are slowing down.

2. Brake slowly before stopping.

3. Avoid tailgaters when possible by changing lanes. If you cannot change lanes, slow down enough to encourage the tailgater to go around you.

#25. What is the first step of parallel parking between two cars?

#26. When entering a roadway from an alley, driveway, or parking lot , you should_____.

#27. If you hear a siren but could not see the emergency vehicle, you should_____.

#28. You should check your mirrors______.

#29. If there is a severe dust storm coming on while driving, you should_____.

*If you encounter a severe dust storm:

  • Reduce your speed immediately.
  • Drive carefully off the highway.
  • Stop as far to the right as possible.
  • Turn off your lights and take your foot off the brake.
  • Turn off hazard lights.
  • Wait until the dust storm has passed.

#30. You should not tailgate other drivers because______.

*Driving too closely behind another vehicle is called “tailgating”. You can frustrate other drivers and make them angry by doing so. Your chance of getting into a collision is higher as well.
