AZ DMV Permit Practice Test

The following AZ DMV Permit Practice test has 30 questions in total. All the questions are set to prepare you for the real AZ DMV Test. This practice test is about Arizona Road Rules.

All the questions are set to help you learn about Arizona permit test and efficiently prepare for the real Arizona DMV Permit Exam because in order to get the license, passing this exam is mandatory.

To pass this test, you must answer 24 questions correctly. Keep practicing until and unless you are confident enough to write the actual Arizona DMV Permit Test and 100% correct with your answer to our practice tests. Good Luck!!!

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#1. Adult passengers in a car must always wear safety belts when seated____.

*Each front seat passenger of a motor vehicle as per federal and state motor vehicle safety standards must either:

  • have the lap and shoulder belt properly adjusted and fastened while the vehicle is in motion, or
  • if only a lap belt is installed where the occupant is sitting, the lap belt must be properly adjusted and fastened while the vehicle is in motion.

#2. After driving through deep water, you should_____.

#3. The three-six second rule means how you should_____.

#4. Continuous hard braking on ice and snow dangerous because_____.

#5. Heavy rain frequently causes flash floods in Arizona washes. If you are faced with flooded washes, you should_____.

#6. How can you avoid glare from headlights of an approaching car at night?

#7. If you are driving on a rural highway, you see an orange diamond-shaped road sign far ahead. The sign____.

#8. Pedestrians have the right-of-way over vehicles_____.

#9. During a rainfall, when are road pavements usually most slippery?

#10. You must use your headlights_____.

*By law, you must turn on your headlights from sunset to sunrise and at any other time when you cannot clearly see persons and vehicles on the highway at a distance of five hundred feet ahead.

#11. If your tires lose traction with the road during rain, you should_____.

#12. Which of the following statements about large trucks is TRUE?

#13. When you come to a stop sign, you should____.

#14. What should you do when other drivers pass you in a passing zone?

#15. When driving in heavy rain, you should______.

#16. Your car must have a horn that can be heard from a distance of______.

#17. When you approach a traffic signal displaying a steady yellow light, you should____.

#18. If you sell your vehicle and don't transfer the plate to another vehicle, you must turn in the plate within____days.

*Within 30 days you are required to take one of the following actions through MVD or an Authorized Third Party provider:

  • Transfer the plate to another vehicle, or
  • Turn in the plate, or
  • Submit a signed statement that the plate was destroyed, lost, stolen, or mutilated.

#19. When you are driving through a construction zone, you should_____.

#20. If you encounter a traffic signal with a flashing yellow arrow, oncoming traffic has____.

#21. With a valid Arizona operator license (class D) you may_____.

#22. When may you drive slower than a minimum speed limit?

#23. If your vehicle begins to hydroplane, you should_____.

#24. Which of the following may temporarily blind drivers at night?

#25. When headlights are required, can you drive with just your parking lights on.

*False. Whenever it is necessary to drive with your lights on, you must use your headlights. Use your parking lights only when you are parked.

#26. You should ______when you are driving behind a large truck on the freeway.

#27. The first thing you should do before backing a vehicle is to____.

#28. When is it legal to share a lane with a motorcycle?

#29. Which of the following pavement marking separates lanes with traffic going in the same direction?

#30. An unprotected turn refers to_____.
