AZ DMV Permit Practice Test

The following AZ DMV Permit Practice test has 31bout Arizona permit test and efficiently prepare for the real Arizona DMV Permit Exam because in order to get the license, passing this exam is mandatory.

To pass this test, you must answer 24 questions correctly. Keep practicing until and unless you are confident enough to write the actual Arizona DMV Permit Test and 100% correct with your answer to our practice tests. Good Luck!!!

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#1. What does this warning sign mean?

#2. What type of sign is this?

*State Route signs are rectangular and approximately the same size as the U.S. Route sign

#3. What does this regulatory sign mean?

#4. What does this crossbuck sign mean?

*The railroad crossbuck sign is treated in the same way as a YIELD sign: slow down and be prepared to stop if you see or hear a train approaching.

#5. What does the driver in front of you signal?

*Left turn – left arm extended horizontally out of the open window.

#6. What does a red arrow pointing to the right on a traffic light tell you?

*A red arrow means “STOP.” Stop and wait until the green signal or green arrow appears. Do not turn against a red arrow.

#7. What does this regulatory sign mean?

#8. What does this regulatory sign mean?

#9. What does this advisory sign mean?

#10. What does the sign with this shape mean?

*A vertical rectangle is usually a regulatory sign, which includes the speed limit sign.

#11. What does this regulatory sign mean?

#12. What does this guide sign mean?

#13. What does this warning sign mean?

#14. What does this sign mean?

*KEEP RIGHT sign warns you to stay to the right of the obstruction. When this sign is installed at a highway, it may also be accompanied by the “DIVIDED HIGHWAY BEGINS” yellow warning sign.

#15. What does this regulatory sign mean?

#16. What does the driver in front of you signal?

*Stop or slow down: The law requires you to signal a turn or lane change with your directional lights or hand signals at least 100 feet (30 m) ahead.


downward – stop, upward – turn right, straight – turn left

#17. What does this regulatory sign mean?

#18. What does this sign mean?

#19. What does this regulatory sign mean?

#20. What does the green arrow pointing to the left on the intersection tell you?

*The green arrow means “GO”. It allows you to make a “protected” turn. Oncoming vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians are stopped by a red light as long as the green arrow is lighted.

#21. What does this regulatory sign mean?

#22. What type of sign is this?

*Interstate Route signs may have the State name written in white upper-case letters on a blue background.

#23. What does this sign mean?

#24. What does this regulatory sign mean?

#25. What does this advisory sign mean?

#26. What does this regulatory sign mean?

#27. What does this regulatory sign mean?

#28. What type of sign is this?

*U.S. Route signs consist of black numerals on a white shield surrounded by a black background without a border. This sign is installed on all U.S. routes and in connection with route sign assemblies on intersecting highways.

#29. What does the driver in front of you signal?

*Turn right

More hints:

downward – stop, upward – turn right, straight – turn left

#30. What type of sign is this?

*The County route signs include a uniform numbering system to uniquely identify each route.

#31. What does this sign tell you?

*The lane will go off the road to form a ramp if a yellow panel with “EXIT ONLY” is on a freeway sign.
